Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
soooooo anybod that says they know me, or better yet anyone that has seen me perform knows that i love erykah badu to death and can see that she is a huge influence of mine. Well this is beyond true. BUT THERE IS ANOTHER WOMAN...yes i said it i have another very big love for NIKKA COSTA.You remember her she did that song "like a feather"...well i love her voice, her swag her HAIR! man watch these videos and if you aren't sold afterward seeing what she is about, then i reall dont know what to tell yo ass.---LOVE MUSICBOX
Yesss this bitch is playing drums....ya'll just wait till im touring.....
learn alil about the girl...
that's all for now...LOVE MUSICBOX
Yesss this bitch is playing drums....ya'll just wait till im touring.....
learn alil about the girl...
that's all for now...LOVE MUSICBOX
It's been awhle...
so sorry for not showing no love on this page. i have been swimming in thoughts of whats next on this journey i call life, and when i figure it out i will be sure to tell you. But here are some pics from my last show. enjoy!
My bestie aka french vanllia aka frenchy aka wifie aka MARIE DAVE and Chocolate aka R to tha A to tha Y aka my baby sis aka Da'rayia and of coarse MUSICBOX aka caramel goodness aka you wish you could be me aka M. Anywhoo we make up our click called LATTE. These lovely ladys were my backup singers for the night.

MBOX singin "Call My Name" by prince. I mean it wasss a Prince show.

still singin call my name and really feelin it too..

About to sing "Nasty Girl" by Vanity 6 Prince's group....and explainin to the crowd that i truly am a nasty girl but i don't mind.

Singin wit the some damn good bg's!
My bestie aka french vanllia aka frenchy aka wifie aka MARIE DAVE and Chocolate aka R to tha A to tha Y aka my baby sis aka Da'rayia and of coarse MUSICBOX aka caramel goodness aka you wish you could be me aka M. Anywhoo we make up our click called LATTE. These lovely ladys were my backup singers for the night.

MBOX singin "Call My Name" by prince. I mean it wasss a Prince show.

still singin call my name and really feelin it too..

About to sing "Nasty Girl" by Vanity 6 Prince's group....and explainin to the crowd that i truly am a nasty girl but i don't mind.

Singin wit the some damn good bg's!

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My man's gone now part 2
This is the way that i always practiced to sing the song(now i ain't no Leontyne price) which was classically....i have always secretly dreamed of getting to sing it at Carnage Hall...well i guess it aint no secret now hu? ENJOY THIS TOO..and listen to the notes she hits at the end of the song
"My man's gone now"
If you knew me while i was a teenager, then you know that i sung the song"my man's gone now" from the play PORGY and BESS all over the pagents, recitals etc. This was my first time hearin nina do it and i love this version. ENJOY
Monday, March 23, 2009
love it!
Ciara did her thang in this video...i am not a big fan of her voice...but everything is perfect in this song and gettem gurl.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
he's so special so special....a tribute to my main man OMAYGA.
My boyfriend(Omayga) has been on his grind. Let me keep it 100....since the day i met him he has been a hustler, always contemplating a new way to make money, a new way for his music to be heard. He has never had a real grown up job ever in his life(which compeletly boggles my mind) he has completely made his money thru music cough cough....but really he has played drums all of his life and has loved hip-hop all of his life so he has made up his mind that he WILL make money doing music.

OMAYGA Playin wit yo gurl MUSICBOX

OMAYGA in the Studio wit Mario Evan

OMAYGA Recording Wit JT and KODA

OMAYGA playin wit his rock band SEX! at "THE HOUSE OF BLUES!!"

SEX! was the first band to ever play at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston!!! IT IS KINDA A BIG DEAL!

SEX! AT THE HOUSE OF BLUES!!! Me and KALIE were sooooooo drunk at this concert hahahah

Now i aint gonna lie...this is the one person that he has got to meet that i am like WHAT THE FUCK MANNN, why wasn't it me that met Common!

OMAYGA and Mickey Factz

OMAYGA and ?estlove...this was kinda a big deal too...he got to meet one of his fav drummers i think he only has three(?est, Chris dave, and um Art blakey..i think)...but this boy came home sooooooo juiced, i mean literally like drunk like i have never seen him in my life and all's he could get out his mouth was" I met my favorite drummer....I met my favorite drummer..I love you baby." hahahah
OMAYGA ceo of p360 entertainment, rapper, drummer, musical director...just wait he's bout to take over....yeah "it's kinda a big deal".

OMAYGA Playin wit yo gurl MUSICBOX

OMAYGA in the Studio wit Mario Evan
OMAYGA Recording Wit JT and KODA

OMAYGA playin wit his rock band SEX! at "THE HOUSE OF BLUES!!"

SEX! was the first band to ever play at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston!!! IT IS KINDA A BIG DEAL!

SEX! AT THE HOUSE OF BLUES!!! Me and KALIE were sooooooo drunk at this concert hahahah

Now i aint gonna lie...this is the one person that he has got to meet that i am like WHAT THE FUCK MANNN, why wasn't it me that met Common!

OMAYGA and Mickey Factz

OMAYGA and ?estlove...this was kinda a big deal too...he got to meet one of his fav drummers i think he only has three(?est, Chris dave, and um Art blakey..i think)...but this boy came home sooooooo juiced, i mean literally like drunk like i have never seen him in my life and all's he could get out his mouth was" I met my favorite drummer....I met my favorite drummer..I love you baby." hahahah
OMAYGA ceo of p360 entertainment, rapper, drummer, musical director...just wait he's bout to take over....yeah "it's kinda a big deal".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
that nigga Bootsy!
Like i really wanna be able to walk onto a stage and say the things this man said..... like can you really say..."Ima cream and you gonna see me comin...ima come right in yo face." really is that what you are gonna do wit your bass in my face! hahahahahaha
Thursday, February 19, 2009
SEE i aint the only person that forgets lyrics....
this was just really funny to me because i always always forget my lyrics when on stage....but i love how cute choklate was when she forgot her be honest i have seen her perfore hella times and I think that she forgets her words more than i do, aint that a shame!
even tho it gets hard sometimes God always seems to shed just enough light to get me through....walking in your destiny isn't easy but if it was everyone would do it... this music reminds me who i want to be in music.
Monday, February 16, 2009
some show's that you should go to....if you live in the Bean that is.
SEX! feb 17th...yes i do that is THE HOUSE OF BLUES
Musicbox feb 21st in Vermont...but i dont remember where hahaha(if you really wanna know just email me and ask and i will tell you okay!)
Musicbox feb 25 at revolution rock bar on 200 high street.
Haley and the band, Feb 28th at ALL ASIA, and yes musicbox(that's me) will be singing background vocals ha
COMMON with kid cuddie.... at the house of blues on march 9th
okay there are some show's go go and get tics!!!!
sorry that this is short today...i dont feel well ya'll!
Musicbox feb 21st in Vermont...but i dont remember where hahaha(if you really wanna know just email me and ask and i will tell you okay!)
Musicbox feb 25 at revolution rock bar on 200 high street.
Haley and the band, Feb 28th at ALL ASIA, and yes musicbox(that's me) will be singing background vocals ha
COMMON with kid cuddie.... at the house of blues on march 9th
okay there are some show's go go and get tics!!!!
sorry that this is short today...i dont feel well ya'll!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
singin lassst night was a blast....
I had a blast performing last night at Revolution Rock Bar!!!! It was the first time in forever that I got to be in the center stage doin my thang,not singing back-ups but singing LEAD!!! Do not get me wrong...I absolutly LOVE sing back ground vocals for other artist, sometimes it's harder than sing the lead.....BUT i love being in the front and connecting to people one on one ya feel meh. At first i was kinda sad, because my boyfriend had a really big show at the same time as me, which meant that i couldn't go to see him perform with his band Sex! at a sold out show at the BBC (Which was a very very big deal and they had rave reviews and got a lot of positive reviews, and get to open at the House of Blues grand opening!!! Oh and i will FOR SURE be at that show!) But i quickly got over my sadness when i had that mic in my hands. On some real shit...singing is the ONLY thing that i am good at, i was truly created to sing....I might not be the smartest or most beautiful etc, but i can tell a story through song, and i have no shame while doing so.
I wanna say thank you to the band and everyone that came up to me before and after I sang...I loved all of the encouraging things that you all had to say!!!
And thankyou to my beastie MARIE DAVEY for coming out and sing bg's for me, even tho you were soooooo super sick!!! I HAD SO MUCH FUN SINGIN WIT YOU.
Love ya'll.....peace love n chixen grease.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I just wrote a super long post that got deleted and i am madly upset!
welp as you see in my out landishly long blog got i will try to summarize it for you mkkkk.
#1. I apologized for not writing in such a long time and explained that i had just been highly unmotivated to write one... which i then proceeded to tell you why i was unmotivated(which now has no matter because I AM BACK!!) .
#2. I said that i am not in school this semester.... which now leaves me with absoluty no reason why my ep should not be done by i will keep you posted!( YA i will be doing summer school this year too!)
#3. I also said that I was extreamly proud of my boyfriend for finishing is mix-tape....ya he has no clue just how much his drive for succsess inspires me! ...i also told you to go to or to have a listen and to download it( I promise you wont regret it)
yep that's all i can remember as of now....oh and i said that i am going to take my real estate test with-in the next couple of weeks sooooo PRAY for me!
welp ya sorry i didnt write more...OH WAIT I DID AND MY COMPUTER SHUT DOWN ON ME i forgot.....(sorry for the smart-assness.....) welp until next time peace luv and CHIX Grease!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Today or should i say yeasterday.....
mannn, today i was so proud to be an American! I have never really had or understood American pride, but today for the first time i was overwhelmed with it. I watched Obama do his thang today and all I could say was" thats MY nigga.". That is what walking in your destiny looks like. He makes it look so simple, when walking in my destiny is such a struggle for me to do. Obama is truly my hero, he is a strong black man handlin his tasks and responsibilities. I really don't know what else to say.....I am just so happy....and so proud.....
Monday, January 19, 2009
fag rappers.....
so i am sitting in my room listening to snoops classic song "gin and juice", and i find myself asking the same question that i ask myself almost everyday....(WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO RAP)" i hate to sound like a hater, and believe me i know that there are still some AMAZINGLY TALENTED rappers that infact still do there thang. But i would like to take a moment and ask,"when did it become ok to be a fag, i know that these motha fucka's that have fag tendencies wouldn't say that they were indeed a fag....but your action's are telling me otherwise.
Number 1....why the fuck are you wearing tight ass booty jeans....i am so not okay with this and i therefore cannot take you seriously.
Number 2....why are we doing albumns with you singing on every song and not i dont know, RAPPING....what in the are a rapper... a motha fuckin rapper nigga, please rap. If i wanted a singing album, I woulda gone and bought Usher or some shit. i just cant comprehend why you would think is was ok to tease me like that....i mean at least rap one verse just one.
Number 3... just cause kanye has love songs now, motha fucka's want every song to be I mean I already have my own idea's about kayne's bedroom life, but yo can i get just maybe one song about how bad you wanna fuck me, and not how much you wanna cuddle and hold me and shit...yuck!
Number4.... if i get one more fucking song telling me the routine i need to learn for when that song is playing I WILL cut my legs off.
Yo, i am just saying how I feel....please dont take it personal if you happen to like the things that i hate. I dont hate kayne. What i do hate is how nigga's see a trend and the next thing you know everyone is doing that shit, and it aint authentic no more. And those tight ass jeans on rappers aint coo nigga it's just gross.
Andre 3000 is the only nigga that can pull off the singing album, by the way! cause we all knew that nigga was weird when he first motha fuckin came out...and dont lie you was "like that nigga is out of his noggin"when you fist saw him.
anyhoo....that's all i got to say about that shit....have a good day.
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