OMAYGA Playin wit yo gurl MUSICBOX

OMAYGA in the Studio wit Mario Evan
OMAYGA Recording Wit JT and KODA

OMAYGA playin wit his rock band SEX! at "THE HOUSE OF BLUES!!"

SEX! was the first band to ever play at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston!!! IT IS KINDA A BIG DEAL!

SEX! AT THE HOUSE OF BLUES!!! Me and KALIE were sooooooo drunk at this concert hahahah

Now i aint gonna lie...this is the one person that he has got to meet that i am like WHAT THE FUCK MANNN, why wasn't it me that met Common!

OMAYGA and Mickey Factz

OMAYGA and ?estlove...this was kinda a big deal too...he got to meet one of his fav drummers i think he only has three(?est, Chris dave, and um Art blakey..i think)...but this boy came home sooooooo juiced, i mean literally like drunk like i have never seen him in my life and all's he could get out his mouth was" I met my favorite drummer....I met my favorite drummer..I love you baby." hahahah
OMAYGA ceo of p360 entertainment, rapper, drummer, musical director...just wait he's bout to take over....yeah "it's kinda a big deal".

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